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Sunday 26 October 2014

Being his 'babygirl'.

Sir is working a shift pattern of four consistent nights. While we still live apart (with keen interest for that to change in the near future) the long hours can feel a little draining. For him, it's a physical and emotional stretch and for me, it is an empty feeling of missing his company. The good news is, in less than a week now I'll be with him again. His arms wrapped tightly around me as we share the bed and his face, the first that  I see in the morning. Those moments - when we are both here together - are magical.

Sir left only a few days ago after spending the best part of the week with myself and the children. It was a good week - we enjoyed quality time with the little ones, scheduled in some quiet pub lunches alone and experienced our dynamic becoming stronger and more evolved as the days rolled on. We may be some 250 miles away for the majority of our time, but Sir and I make it amongst our top priorities to talk to one another. We find the time to discuss our relationship wants, needs and desires. We tell each other the things we've enjoyed so far, the ideas we're playing around with and want to try and the things we know definitely don't or won't work for us.

Before his last trip home to us all, we'd exchanged quite a few text messages about experimenting with things we've not done before, more specifically - Kitten Play and a 'babygirl' element within our dynamic. While pet play is not new to me, for Sir it is something he's not really tried with someone prior to our relationship and the 'babygirl' element is something we are both relatively inexperienced with. I'd be lying if I said there isn't and hasn't always been a more 'little' side to myself. There is, it is definitely there and Sir has probably been aware of that since the earlier stages of our relationship. Occasionally, I retreat to the comfort of an old fleeced blanket and a colouring book. Recently, in the last couple of months - Sir and I went on a shopping spree to find a new 'blankie' to replace my old one, he bought me a new colouring book filled with pictures of cupcakes, fairies and magic. These things all came about before any discussion of actually being his 'babygirl'. He just accepted that side of me as he did the rest of me and never once questioned it, or made me feel uncomfortable with it. If anything - he did the exact opposite.

Speeding this back up to date; the texts between Sir and I within the last couple of weeks have probably been encouraged by dreams both of us have had, or conversations based around more recent thoughts that maybe my little side could be an attractive element of our dynamic. We explained to one another that each of us felt experimenting with it could be something we enjoyed but we were unsure. It was unfamiliar territory to us both and something neither of us were at all interested in before or with anyone else. Our conversations were left with no plans to actually try it out but rather just left us both with a very open mind.

Half way through the week of him being here, while laying on our bed, Sir suggested I wear a diaper.
I wasn't completely sure at first if his suggestion was a serious one or not but when he mentioned it again while I contemplated what to wear to bed, I knew that he genuinely wanted me to. He left to go downstairs and watch the TV while I went into the bathroom to change. Pulling the diaper up over my waist felt good. A tight fit already, as I did up the under-side poppers on a pink-fleeced vest securing the diaper even closer to my body -  it fit snugly, pressing against me in all the right places.

I came downstairs to sit with Sir on the sofa. He held me close to him, with my head rested in his lap and my new Hello-Kitty fleece draped over the rest of my body. His hands stroked my back occasionally as I lay close to him, just relaxed in his company. While it would usually be that if Sir or I wanted a drink, I'd go get them - he made a specific point of telling me that if I got thirsty, I was to tell him and he would get it.
There was nothing sexual about the evening spent like that. Instead, I found that I felt peaceful resting beside him in the knowledge I was comfortably in my 'little' place. There's something quite cathartic about feeling *so* much smaller than him and his instinctively protective nature seemed more Dominant than ever  - I have always been in love with his fiercely protective streak  and being his 'babygirl' meant that I felt much more closely connected to that side of him. It was blissful.

When we left the lounge to go up to bed, Sir asked if I wanted a drink to take with me - I went upstairs and he followed shortly after, meeting me in the bedroom with a drink in hand. As I sipped slowly through a straw, propped up in a 'zoo animal' plastic cup filled with orange juice - I smiled at the thought he'd even considered that. But then, unsurprised - because Sir is always thoughtful in anything he does.

I could tell you now that Sir is gorgeous though I may need to add a photo to show you just how much that's true...and I have learned that it's inevitable I will want to suck his cock the minute he starts to undress and so that evening was no different than any other and as I got down on my knees, to take him into my mouth, I recalled the day before where he'd quietly murmured the words.... "Suck Daddy's cock like a good little girl." My was the first time he'd ever said that to me and even now, when I repeat the moment in my mind... I get wet between the thighs.
Almost desperate to hear him talk to me like that again, I eagerly pleasured his cock with my tongue, filling my mouth with every inch of him, eyes feasted on his perfect body stood tall against me.
He didn't repeat the words from the night before, but I know if he had done - I'd have probably come, instantly. Nonetheless, I enjoyed the pleasure of pleasuring him - not stopping until I'd savoured his hot load at the back of my throat.

Afterwards, we went to bed together. He wrapped his arms around me, encasing me and holding me closely to him. I fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat and the words "Sweet dreams, little one", still diapered and in my vest - feeling more loved, protected and safe than I could put into words.

I look back on that night now and realise I enjoyed being his babygirl more than I maybe anticipated I would and my mind and body definitely respond well to the idea of him being the 'Daddy' Dominant on occasion. I don't know if we'll do that again in future but a part of me hopes we might. For me, I could see it being a part of my submission, rather than the majority of and that some days he'll just want me to be little and I can enjoy being there when he asks for it.

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